Born in California in the early 90s, DakovP is an underground artist of various genres of music. A loner music lover, amongst a bunch of weirdos, for most of his life, he forged a sort of lethargic passion for this media. Influenced by a lot of rap and R&B, he started writing/rapping at around 10-11 years old. Later on, discovering a plethora of styles, now his work spreads from rap to folk to rock to EDM, etc.

More a listener than creator, he strives to better his output and almost always fails. What does come about is often times rudimentary and lazy, but has heart. Sometimes he can blow himself away, though admittedly, it is rather lame. Regardless of that fact, anything he releases is something he personally enjoys and has and will probably listen to 100x more than you.

- Totally not by DakovP, Representative of